A BIG glass of red wine please, or a pint of anything local and some cheese and chips; cheers Ballistic- where are we anyway?
My favourite pub...http://www.camra.org.uk/SHBlob.asp?WCI=ShowD&F=neutral%2Fdti6377%2Fti47.Rose+%
if i can just pretend you are all here for a minute.
come on... no excuses - it's my shout.. \_/.
A BIG glass of red wine please, or a pint of anything local and some cheese and chips; cheers Ballistic- where are we anyway?
My favourite pub...http://www.camra.org.uk/SHBlob.asp?WCI=ShowD&F=neutral%2Fdti6377%2Fti47.Rose+%
i've noticed a lot of discontent among my jw friends.
i've had some express to me how stressed out they are because the meetings take up too much time and the assemblies are too long.
( a lot of complaining about this international assembly coming up).
Alot are just biding their time until Armageddon comes; going through the motions trudging through each day.
I was frequently told ' I wish we could have just one really good party...' (read - 'get pissed and have a day off from all this crap !)
being gay is a choice by david cornwell
a different perspective on the old argument
have you ever heard a person make this statement?
I don't know why this is always debated. I was listening to some people in a pub the other night saying the same kind of things.
I'm attracted to men's forearms ( if they're large...) it's like trying to debate the reasons why I like them so much ; futile.
Surely the only reason people want to find an answer to the question of whether or not someone (else ) is gay through nature or nurture is because they want to make a judgement about someone else based on their findings.
1. Whether to 'approve' of your life style (how noble !)
2. Or whether to 'forgive' you your life style as you arn't responsible for your sexuality.( how presumptious )
Surely everyone should just be accepted as themselves and their sexuality should be none of my business; it's just a small part of life after all.
Perhaps in the future it won't even be mentioned and all this is part of an evolutionary process.
hello ISP
well today was a very trying day in court.
megans parents have completely snowballed the guardian ad lietem.
he did state however that he had not had the opportunity to talk to all parties involved and that his descision to recomend megans parents could be changed by the testimony over the next couple of days.
I'm really pleased for you Larrynbabies.The comment on visitation rights that the judge mentioned does give hope, and well done for finding the Prater v Prater case.
I too, will look out for your next post and wish you and your 'babies' lots of love.
well today was a very trying day in court.
megans parents have completely snowballed the guardian ad lietem.
he did state however that he had not had the opportunity to talk to all parties involved and that his descision to recomend megans parents could be changed by the testimony over the next couple of days.
I hope tomorrow goes well for you and you can think clearly through all the accusations and lies.
The more they try to defend their faith the more ridiculous it will sound to the judge i'm sure- and don't worry about if everything's been 'heard' by the judge - it will have been.
I'll be thinking of you all day and am really looking forward to the happy outcome
lots of love to you all x
when i joined the jw's in 1987 a jw friend always bought a special brand of pepperoni when he made pizza, because he knew that brand was approved by elders and had no blood in it.
many witnesses i know seem to eat anything they want, and don't even look at the labels anymore.
is it possible to eat red meat and eat no blood?.
read 'accepting' for 'accaoting'
when i joined the jw's in 1987 a jw friend always bought a special brand of pepperoni when he made pizza, because he knew that brand was approved by elders and had no blood in it.
many witnesses i know seem to eat anything they want, and don't even look at the labels anymore.
is it possible to eat red meat and eat no blood?.
Hi JH; they say that they try not to eat it in my old cong.- but when I questioned if meat could ever be bled properly they answered as Brummie has already said.They think that all uk meat is bled as well as possible; but that's not actually true.I think they just like to believe that so they don't all have to turn veggie. I have friends who shoot and i'm always being given pheasant; they did'nt like that and told me I should'nt eat it. But when your seperating blood fractions and accaoting them- what's a little blood in your chicken?!
teenyuck made a comment about men with long hair.
this caught my eye because i grew my hair long as a protest to the j-duds.
i am well known in my home town and when the duds see me they know right off i have 'gone bad'!
does it for me every time
teenyuck made a comment about men with long hair.
this caught my eye because i grew my hair long as a protest to the j-duds.
i am well known in my home town and when the duds see me they know right off i have 'gone bad'!
My hair's really long- and it's my only asset; so I have to keep it or i'd have nothing else going for me..
The problem is that I use 1/2 a bottle of conditioner everytime I wash it and I expect that's why alot of women cut theirs; it's a lot of trouble to keep it in good condition. I never use a hair dryer or styling products as they wreck it, I just plait it every night to keep it really soft.
Men with long hair? Lovely! as long as it's in good condition and they don't get all precious and girly about it
years ago, families were huge.
it wasn't rare to see families of 9 or 10 children.
today things are so different.
Today ?? One
I have two teenage daughters in constant danger of spotty boys and bed sores...
and a boy of 9 that keeps firing screaming penalties past (and occasionally in contact with ) my head when i'm trying to read in the garden.......